About Me

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I love expressing heart-felt and inspired words that come unseen at times, yet powerful and profound within.
Enlightenment, in between the lines.

As you will find, I truly believe in the divine power of Gratitude. And how, by that power, it can change lives.

This journey of blogging has been an adventure!
And I'm so glad you stopped by for a quick visit : )

Thursday, March 18, 2010

~ Words To Live By ~

"The easy way is rarely the best way"

One of my very dear friends seems to have that sixth-sense in our treasured friendship!  She sent this to me via email "just thinking of you" - today - when I needed it most. 

So - I'm paying it forward today . . . to you my friends & family.  And to add the cherry on top - read each one and which ever one jumps out at you (you'll feel it) - THAT is the one for you this week to live by, ponder upon and let it become a part of you.  I'm doing it - mine is listed above.  Which one is yours?

: )

1. Find the lesson in every failure and you’ll never fail.

2. The likelihood that you’re right is not increased by the intensity of your conviction.

3. Real friends help you feel worthy and make you want to be better.

4. When you’re in a hole, stop digging.

5. Don’t confuse fun with fulfillment or pleasure with happiness.

6. Refusing to let go of a grudge is refusing to use the key that will set you free.

7. Hating hurts you more than the person you hate.

8. Counting on luck is counting on random chance. Your odds are much better when you plan and work.

9. Being kind is better than being clever.

10. Don’t underestimate the power of persistence.

11. The easy way is rarely the best way.

12. It’s much easier to burst someone else’s bubble than to blow up your own.

13. You can’t avoid pain, but you can avoid suffering.

14. Self-pity is a losing strategy. It repels others and weakens you.

15. Shortcuts usually produce short success.

16. Control your attitude or it will control you.

17. It’s more important to be significant than successful.

18. The world is waiting for you to heal it.

p.s.....Enjoyyyyyy!!  ♥

1 comment:

Lynsey said...

I reallly like, "You can't avoid pain but you can avoid suffering". Thats my quote for the week. Thanks for the inspiration!