About Me

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I love expressing heart-felt and inspired words that come unseen at times, yet powerful and profound within.
Enlightenment, in between the lines.

As you will find, I truly believe in the divine power of Gratitude. And how, by that power, it can change lives.

This journey of blogging has been an adventure!
And I'm so glad you stopped by for a quick visit : )

Thursday, March 4, 2010

~ Nurture Thyself ~

"The purpose of morality is to teach you,
not to suffer and die,
but to enjoy yourself and live.”
-Ayn Rand

So, I went to the Chiropractor for the first time yesterday.  He did a complete assessment, a complimentary adjustment and then offered a complimentary 1/2 hour massage with the masseuse he has in his office. 
I have a sort of phobia I guess you could call it, with all the popping noise that comes from getting adjusted which is the primary reason I have put off going in for so long.  I felt totally taken care of as the Chiropractor took really good care of me - and was gently aware of my little phobia of before-mentioned issue.

I then was directed to the masseuse.  It was just what I needed and I didn't realize how much I needed it until I was there.  She asked me when the last time I had a massage was, and immediately my mind went into the archives of my brain searching for the answer myself!  It had been almost 7 years since I've had a massage.  At that moment I thought: "has it really been that long that I have taken good care - nurtured - pampered myself?"  I realized right then, that I needed to nurture myself a little more.  A dear friend of mine mentioned awhile back that: "you can't draw water from an empty well."  This has stuck with me since, especially from my experience yesterday. 

When was the last time you really nurtured yourself?  When was the last time you told yourself that you deserve it?!!!  Life is like a whirlwind at times, keeping you spinning right in with it.  I honestly believe that everyone needs some tender care. . . a little nurturing now and then.  Pizza dough can only be stretched out so far until holes start forming in it and eventually creates a huge hole in the middle.  I figured out yesterday, that if I am like the empty water well, or a big gaping hole in the middle of pizza dough - how in the world am I capable of taking care of everyone else around me, and accomplishing everything I need to?

Today - let's all do something ... simple things count ... to nurture ourselves just a little.  Go ahead you deserve it!  Don't listen to that nasty little voice in your head that makes you feel guilty ... YOU DESERVE IT! .... ANNNNNND NEED IT!  Do you hear me??  : )

Nurturing Thyself Idea List:

1. Have fun and relax. Go to a movie, laugh, take a nap or a massage, meditate, plant a garden, buy a pet.
2. Get enough sleep. Eat healthy food, it influence your moods and general health.
3. Exercise regularly. Builds confidence and self esteem and prevents depression.
4. Know your Strengths and achievements. Write them down. Feel proud.
5. Reflect on your qualities, give thanks for what you have and your loved ones.
6. Get outside - see, feel, smell, listen, touch the beauty of nature.  It's all around you.
7. Watch an inspirational video
8. Read positive books and inspirational quotes.
9. Take yourself on an excursion.  Where have you always wanted to visit?
10. Sit out in the sunshine ☼
11. Listen to upbeat positive music .. dance ♫
12. Pamper yourself - you deserve it!
13. Take a bubble bath.
14. Breathe.


Shauna said...

I like that "nurture list"!
I'm going private soon...if you want you can send me your email address and I can add you to our blog!
Sure love you and miss you! We'll be down there this summer. If you're ever up here in Provo, I'd love if you'd come and say hi!

Unknown said...

LOVE this post, Dearest Cuz!! So true... when we don't take care of ourselves, it definitely manifests itself...

Love U tons - many BHugz and PS... and 1 Nephi 11 on its way....