About Me

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I love expressing heart-felt and inspired words that come unseen at times, yet powerful and profound within.
Enlightenment, in between the lines.

As you will find, I truly believe in the divine power of Gratitude. And how, by that power, it can change lives.

This journey of blogging has been an adventure!
And I'm so glad you stopped by for a quick visit : )

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

~ Forward ~


"The best way out
is always through."

Last year, my hubby and I had the opportunity to be a part of a "pioneer trek" as a "Ma and Pa" with about 500 youth in our area church group.  Each "trek family" had about 6-7 members in their group.  It was a 3 day journey - and I can tell you right now, I've never worked so physcially hard in my life!

There were times when we watched the handcart groups up ahead of us - pushing, pulling, straining with all they had to make it up extremely steep terrain, wondering ourselves: "how are we ever going to make it up that mountain?!"  Some of the area we traversed through, I wouldn't even ride my mountain bike on.  There were very deep ruts in some locations - others areas filled with ankle deep sand everywhere which made it very difficult to get your footing.  Other areas had to be pushed and pulled over and through boulders and streams.  Some areas were along ridges that dropped off a hundred feet down - and others, ascending straight up to the heavens.

I will always remember near the end of our 2nd day - almost to camp - where some of the most difficult part of the trail was yet to come.  It was the last steep climb before descending (which also proved to be very challenging with a loaded 500 pound handcart, coming down the mountain), we were all very tired - thirsty - hot - sunburned - miserable.  There were people at the front of the handcart holding on - pulling.  Some were at the back - pushing.  And the rest were either on the side ropes or on each wheel, helping turn it over and over again ... inch by inch ... step by step.  There was a moment where our group came to a complete exhausted hault - on the steepest part of the climb. Each person holding on to their station with all they had, nearly giving up when all of a sudden one of the young men began shouting:
"One, Two, Three - PUSH! .... One, Two, Three - PUSH!" repeating over and over again - as we all, with our last amount of strength, gave our most with what we had - pushing, pulling, turning as one hand together ... "One, Two, Three - PUSH!"  We finally made it to the top - inch by inch ... together as a family group!

There are days, where I can still hear that echo -
"One, Two, Three - PUSH!"  -  that helps keep me moving forward ... inch by inch ... making it through yet another steep climb in life. Helping me to continue moving forward - even when I don't feel like it -  or it seems frightening - I can't see my way through the fog - or I have no more energy left.  Those days when I feel a little push, or pull now and then, from something unseen - also helps remind me that I am not alone - ever.  Just like our trek family - doing it together.

Despite all the trials - rough terrain - deep ruts, boulders and steep inclines in life ... I am slowly learning that "the best way out is through."  And once I've made it through - and above the clouds ... I've become even stronger than when I first began.  Resistance is truly a muscle builder - physcially, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.  Making me better coming out of it, because I fought my way through, gritted teeth and all!

Here's to continue moving forward today!

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