About Me

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I love expressing heart-felt and inspired words that come unseen at times, yet powerful and profound within.
Enlightenment, in between the lines.

As you will find, I truly believe in the divine power of Gratitude. And how, by that power, it can change lives.

This journey of blogging has been an adventure!
And I'm so glad you stopped by for a quick visit : )

Saturday, May 15, 2010

~ What Would You Do? ~

"What would you do
if you knew
you could not fail?"

I have the above quote on a little plaque hanging from a knob at my computer desk.  Some days when I read it, I think of so many amazing things that I would do.  Other days - just the quote itself is enough ... life sometimes is overwhelming thinking of bigger things.  BUT!  The quote says a thousands words - doesn't it? 

I believe with all my heart - that we .... YOU .... can do ANYTHING!  We were meant to.  And if we fail - to me, it's just another step closer - teaching us what NOT to do the next time around. 

I love this quote:

"If you knew what you could become, it would leave you breathless."
- Ben Herbster

So!!  What would you do?  And why aren't you doing it?  This question is mostly for me ... but you can answer it if you want.  I guess a huge factor is fear.  But fear of what?  The unknown?  Failure?  I have many things I would love to do that to me seem bigger than life itself to acheive!  But if I just take the first step - then baby steps - then walk, jog and eventually make it into a full sprint - it will happen!!

Here's to doing beyond what we think we can't do ... and do it!!  Take the first step.
: )

p.s.... some of my "would do's" (in no specific order) are:
~ Get my pilot's license (thus the reason for the above picture!)

~ Become a famous photographer!  I've always had a yearning to be one of the National Geographic photographers that go on assignment for months on end!

~ Re-vamp the educational system here in the U.S.  Funny that the country Hungary (one of the poorest in the world) has the highest test scores - and pays out the least amount in money.  U.S. is one that pays out the most and has some of the lowest scores.  Hmmmm .... interesting.

~ Write a book

These are just some at the top of my list.  A little sneak preview of upcoming events!  What are some of yours?

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