About Me

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I love expressing heart-felt and inspired words that come unseen at times, yet powerful and profound within.
Enlightenment, in between the lines.

As you will find, I truly believe in the divine power of Gratitude. And how, by that power, it can change lives.

This journey of blogging has been an adventure!
And I'm so glad you stopped by for a quick visit : )

Monday, January 18, 2010

~ Rainy Days and Mondays ... ~

I love it when it rains.  Not only do I love the fact that the earth drinks it right up, but .... it makes for a cozy day as I've mentioned before!  : ) 
Now, as far as Mondays go ... well, I use to not like them - not one bit. 
It seemed to hold the weight and burden of the entire week's work load, and the to-do list all on one day - Monday - bleh!  It also meant for me that the normal routine was back on - school, homework, making dinner by a certain time, teaching piano ... the clock was ticking every second, reminding me when everything needed to be done by. 

It wasn't until I read a quote which taught me that Mondays are a clean new slate ... a chance to make it right all over again ... and then asked: "what are you going to do with this brand-new day of the week?"

I came across (well, it actually found ME!) this awesome video that truly inspires me on Mondays!
It became one of the answers I was looking for as a solution for my Monday blues!  With the ideas it gives, I knew there was at least ONE thing I could do for the day!  So now each Monday I try to perform one of these acts listed ... and let me tell ya - not only does it make a difference in my heart, but it sure is a great way to discard any negative perception I use to have.

So - the challenge!!  Do something today that makes a difference.  Begin a routine and a Monday tradition of performing something out of your norm and turn your "Monday Blues" into "Monday Joys!"  : )

Happy Monday everyone!! : )

p.s ... It's supposed to rain here everyday the entire week.  But here's the kicker!! ... we're supposed to get an inch of rain every hour, and by Friday the waves are supposed to be 25 foot! Yikes!!  Yes, I WILL post pics - how can I not?!!

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