About Me

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I love expressing heart-felt and inspired words that come unseen at times, yet powerful and profound within.
Enlightenment, in between the lines.

As you will find, I truly believe in the divine power of Gratitude. And how, by that power, it can change lives.

This journey of blogging has been an adventure!
And I'm so glad you stopped by for a quick visit : )

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

~ You Are Right ~

"I don't believe it." - Luke
"That is why you fail." - Yoda

There is so much wisdom in that quote!  Simple two-liner thought, that speaks a thousand words!!

Why is it so easy in life, to not believe in ourself?  Do we just not have a clear understanding of WHO we really are?  The divine creation we were created to be?  Why is it that just one negative thought can wash away a thousand positive ones in a second? 

I love inspirational stories and quotes about people who were looked at as failures, but proved the world wrong.  That what the world see's as a failure is in reality their success just waiting around the corner, as they continued through it all to keep believing.   Sure, it's difficult to always believe in yourself when your world around you is making you feel otherwise. 

Sometimes I wish that there was a "believe" button I could just turn on every morning and keep it going during the day!  There is one in a way - and it is the power of our own thoughts.  Re-train your brain to believe in yourself no matter what comes your way.  Another amazing and wise quote that just came to my mind on this very thought is:

"You must unlearn, what you have learned."

Hahahaha ... I just realized it was another Yoda quote.  Boy he sure is full of powerful wisdom isn't he?  But it is true.  Unlearn all of the negative thoughts that you have been feeding your brain for so long. 
Begin by telling yourself that you are successful, beautiful, handsome, talented, creative, inspiring, determined, full of endless potential.  Say it outloud in the mirror every morning and throughout the day.  One final quote that puts me back in my place, and one that I use quite a bit with my piano students is:

"Whether you think you can
or whether you think you can't
either way, you are right."
-Henry Ford

Our thoughts are indeed one of the most powerful influences for us - good or bad.  Feed your brain only positive thoughts today.  And believe.


1 comment:

Jessica said...

I just can't express my thanks to you for posting such positive and inspirational thoughts and stories everyday! I just love you and your ability to write such beautifully. <3