About Me

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I love expressing heart-felt and inspired words that come unseen at times, yet powerful and profound within.
Enlightenment, in between the lines.

As you will find, I truly believe in the divine power of Gratitude. And how, by that power, it can change lives.

This journey of blogging has been an adventure!
And I'm so glad you stopped by for a quick visit : )

Monday, August 2, 2010

~ Happiness vs. Joy ~

"Happiness is the prelude music to Joy.
Joy is the grand symphony of it all."
~ Lisa May : )

The moments in my life, when I have completely immersed myself in "the moment" - amongst life's simple pleasures - are the moments where Joy skips right into my heart and buries itself into the very depths of my being, with such warmth and pure contentment.  Happiness, is indeed a well-liked emotion - though is fleeting.  Joy on the other hand simmers gently within for awhile, leaving its fingerprint upon the soul.

These "moments" of pure Joy that happen are not moments on a grand level, as the world might consider Joy to be found. 
And another thing that the world might be surprised at, is that money is not a factor. No, these moments are in the simple corners of life - that at times, catch the recipient off guard with such overwhelming emotions - it's difficult to contain.

Some of the moments I can recall where Joy is found in my heart, are brought back in an instant as a visual replay that awakens these joyful emotions all over again:
♥ Singing at the top of our lungs and dancing with all we've got as a family - at Lake Powell in our boat, while simply floating on the water without the engine running, under the beautiful warm sun.
♥ Watching my son help teach his little sister how to ride her bike.  They spent hours together until she finally got it.
♥ Being nestled together with all my family in our big fluffly covers in bed, reading book after book while it snowed quietly outside.
♥ Watching my babies sleep. 
♥ Hearing my kids laugh - uncontrollably - as it contageously sneaks over to me and makes me laugh with them ... and at times for the silliest, random, nothing to do with anything - moments!  : )
♥ Watching my amazing dog - Lucky - pounce thru the meadow we walk in everyday, with the biggest smile on his face.  He really has a smile - and it goes from ear to ear.
♥ Holding my hubbies hand for no reason, other than saying I Love You - heart to heart.

I could go on and on.  But before I leave you today, I ask - where is your Joy in life?  Do you even recognize it?  How do you solidify happiness into lasting Joy?

Another great thought I discovered on Happiness vs. Joy, can be found here.  They are both - without a doubt - some of the best emotions we could ever experience.

Here's to finding Joy in your life today. ♥

p.s.!!  : ) ...


Unknown said...

Such a great post, Dear Cuz! And I loved the link outs to the other sites, particularly the last one with the slideshow

It's true what you say: Happiness is good, but fleeting, while Joy is better and longer-lasting

Thanks so much for sharing!

Luv ya always,

Unknown said...

P.S. and that photo of Taylor and Malia is awesome! Until I looked closer I'd forgotten that you said it was of them... it looks like a artistically-done postcard!