About Me

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I love expressing heart-felt and inspired words that come unseen at times, yet powerful and profound within.
Enlightenment, in between the lines.

As you will find, I truly believe in the divine power of Gratitude. And how, by that power, it can change lives.

This journey of blogging has been an adventure!
And I'm so glad you stopped by for a quick visit : )

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

~ Stand up eight ~

This post was going thru my thoughts this morning -
and I felt inspired to re-post it again. 
A message I can always use myself ... hope it inspires you as well.

How is it that some mornings - like for me today - are more difficult than other mornings to get up and get going?  What happened during the night?  Did the mood snatcher hover over me while I was sleeping and put some kind of un-motivated mood curse over me?  What is it?!!  I mean, c'mon - yesterday, I was up and ready for the day before my alarm clock sounded, in a really good motivated mood!  Today ... totally different story.  Wanted to go back to bed the second I awoke.  "Just 5 more minutes ... ok, give me 10 ... how about the entire day?!" Ya!  Only in my dreams!

Well, I eventually got up.  I randomly reached for one of my little inspirational quote books that sits on my desk ... and without thinking, yet hoping to find some sort of positive immediate guidance for my tired mind today, I just "happened" to open right up to this quote which I've read before and really like - and for me this morning was just what I needed!:

"Fall seven times, stand up eight."
~Japanese proverb

Okay.  So I kind of laughed at the "God Wink" humor of it all ... and thought - this might just turn out to be a good day - with effort on my part - (more than usual) if I just stand up one more time.
  So, I went about my morning duty of preparing lunches and breakfast, a little slower than normal, taxi'd my kids to their various school destinations, and somehow by magic - the "standing up" helped me get going for the day.

I know that some days are meant for me to reach for the sky.  Other's are just standing up one more time.  And as I stand - step by step, I realize that "today is another day I've been given.  A gift really, sometimes in disguise.   And now that I'm 'up' - what can I give back?"  These are the days that make me stretch out and reach beyond myself, even when I don't feel like it.  And when I do - the reward is ten fold, then when I do reach and am in the mood to do it.  Hmmmmm ... is this a test to smooth one more edge of my sometimes jagged spirit - to help mold and create me into something more ... better ... of who I am created to become?  I can just hear the echo: "This is a test of the 'eternal' broadcast system ... This is only a test!" - lol!!  : ) 

So, days like this have a purpose beyond what I "feel like doing."  Days like this urge me to "stand up eight," and see what I'm capable of doing regardless.  Reach, stretch, grow.

Here's to standing up one more time today!  : )  


Unknown said...

You have such a talent for writing. Beautifully said!

Welcome Friends said...

Awww ... Myda - thank you so much my friend. Thank you for commenting!
xoxoxo : )

Jessica said...

that was beautiful and I am going to think of this when I have mornings where I don't want to get out of bed. :)