About Me

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I love expressing heart-felt and inspired words that come unseen at times, yet powerful and profound within.
Enlightenment, in between the lines.

As you will find, I truly believe in the divine power of Gratitude. And how, by that power, it can change lives.

This journey of blogging has been an adventure!
And I'm so glad you stopped by for a quick visit : )

Thursday, June 17, 2010

~ Adventure! ~

"Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing at all." 
- Helen Keller

As a child I was pretty shy, but somewhat fearless as well.  I know it doesn't sound like the two can co-exist, but in me it did.  I was shy in the sense of speaking out in public - shy in confidence amongst my "super cool" peers - and didn't like to have too much attention drawn to myself.  My face would flame up (heat and all - and still does at times),  beet red, instantly if I felt any eyes looking at me. I know, I know - those who are reading this and who know me now, are probably shaking their heads and laughing with disbelief ... but one needs to remember - every caterpillar must go thru its cocoon stage to emerge as a butterfly - a changed being ... yes? 
Anyway, back to my story about the fearless part.  This is where the adventures of my life have made me pretty much who I am today!  : )

Beginning young - I have truly been blessed to explore and travel to many places ... some on the other side of the world.  Europe at age 11 - with my dad - opened my eyes and soul, to sites I never imagined possible.  Walking in the majesty of castles - within sacred towering cathedrals - in the quiet beauty of "The Hills Are Alive" grassy hill walked upon - cobblestone streets - food markets - driving thru the countryside eating the freshest strawberries ever created ... the list goes on...
The adventure of testing my palate with such delicacy's as "Escargot" (snail's smothered in butter-garlic sauce, totally devine!) ... Orange Marmalade spread on warm croissant rolls ... attempting to eat an entire fish (Sole) from head to tail that covered my entire plate ... so many different taste's and smells that did not exist back home.
The #1 rule my dad would say is: "Just try it once.  If you don't like it you don't have to eat it." Well, sounded fair and kind of like a challenge - which lit me up even more.  I found that so many things were completely enjoyable.  And if I hadn't taken the daring chance of tasting snails baked in goodness, I would have never known how much I liked it ... for the rest of my life.  I also have that #1 rule with my kids - and even those who aren't my kids - who won't dare to try anything!

Further still.  I became a certified scuba diver at the young age of 18, and since then have explored the most extraordinary world of the sea.  I've dived with - fed and held sharks - eels and other sea life.  Played in the jovial company of seals.  Been in an entirely different existence on night dives - ship wrecks - plane wrecks - "current diving" along the most brilliant underwater mountains blanketed with rainbow colored coral and sea anenome ever imagined.  I've hung over cliffs - suspended floating - gazing into the depths of the abyss.  Cave diving, cold water, warm water, boat dives, beach dives, week long dive trips, Hawaii, Cozumel, Cayman, Cancun ... all along the coast of California.
It has been quite the adventure I must truly say.  And has blessed me with such a respect and persective of a whole other existence of life.

I've been parasailing a few times, river rafting, camped out underneath the stars countless times, climbed steep cliffs, mountains, spur-of-the-moment trips, waterskiing, bungee flying (different from jumping).  Have taken a 250 foot plunge straight into a hole in the earth going over 80 mph on crazy roller coaster rides...So many adventures for sure. 

I can honestly say - these "daring adventures" have been quite the fun ride in my life. And I continue to experience new one's at every level - every day, that fill my spirit. 
Though my adventure's now, have somewhat lessened in degree of - extreme ... but just as meaningful - perhaps more - as I focus on adventures with my kids and family - and the endeavours of creating a legacy thru writing, photography, music, my experiences, continued discoveries ... love, kindness, sincerity ... all of these compose my own masterpiece.  It's still daring, and adventurous to say the least ... just on another level sort of speak..

What daring adventure's have you experienced in your life?  And if not - what is holding you back of enjoying, and experiencing so much more of life in your life?  Fear? Lack of confidence?  There is so much abundance that life holds for us, if we just take advantage of it.  So many things just waiting to be discovered and lived.  You don't have to go bungee jumping, or parasailing to have an adventure.  It can be as simple as bringing your life-long dreams to fruition.  Or the adventure of creating something new.  Beginning a new hobby ... Life is waiting for us to open the sails and experience the ride. 

Just remember. Fear doesn't naturally "exist."  It is WE who create it.  It is we who bring it into our world as reality, that stops our progression.  Don't yield to it.  And as my 8 year-old self told me (see previous post) ... "Don't let fear stop you from adventures in life." 

The quote mentioned at the beginning, is framed on one of my walls.  I look at it often, and truly  believe that it helps me (sub-consciously), in keeping adventures alive in my life!   Plan an adventure today for yourself!  You know - that one you have been wanting to do forever?

And if Helen Keller - who was completely blind, deaf and mute - can leave this world with such a powerful quote .... don't you think that YOU can honor it and do what you've been putting off for much too long? 
Do it!

Happy Trails!  Now where did I put my mask and snorkle? ....
: )

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I completely agree with you in that sometimes when we let fear take over, we miss out on some of the great adventures life has in store for us.
