About Me

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I love expressing heart-felt and inspired words that come unseen at times, yet powerful and profound within.
Enlightenment, in between the lines.

As you will find, I truly believe in the divine power of Gratitude. And how, by that power, it can change lives.

This journey of blogging has been an adventure!
And I'm so glad you stopped by for a quick visit : )

Thursday, July 14, 2011

~ Amidst the Weeds and Every Day Life ~

There it is - staring up at me, clearly shaped
in stone.
How could I have known it would find me here -
cemented hard in parched earth,
while simply clearing weeds?

I had to smile.  Perfect timing I thought ...
in my life right at this moment
amidst the weeds and
every day life.

Another heart-shaped rock.

Waiting patiently through the mess
for me to recognize its face
and Who placed it there just for me ...
Perfect timing.  Again.

It seems to be a phenomenon in my life of sorts ...
perhaps not - where and when I find them.

These stone hearts.

The very first moment I ever found one, lives clearly within my mind and
A day venturing up into the beautiful majestic mountains with my dear friend.
There it was.  Innocently lying on the edge of the trail, in weeds and debris.  Just waiting.
Waiting for me to see it and claim it.
To claim it beyond what it was -
and truly see it for what it really was.

Years have carried me on various adventures.  And no matter where I am
walking this earth, I will find one.  Or maybe perhaps - they find me. 
Messages from heaven - just for me in my language -
without a doubt in my mind.

Walking the earth, along the sands of endless liquid diamonds into forever.
In emerald forest's.  City streets.  The beautiful meadow.  My own backyard.
They find me.  And the interesting thing about it, usually is the timing of discovery.

I've collected these treasures from heaven and they remain in clear view to remind me. 
Piled high in mason jars. Along sills - atop cabinets.
Mantles.  Office desk.    

Wherever the eyes of my heart can be reminded.
I see.

It seems whenever I am pondering deep -
or stress is taking its turn in my life -
or even in joyful steps ...
I look down, and there it is.
Always recognizable.  A message sent.
Just for me.
He knows.

I look to the heaven's and smile.
Peace, joy, love - whatever the emotion He knows I need at the moment -
settles within fiber. 

Heart records the moment

Such a small gesture on my part for these custom-given gifts,
all I can do is look up and simply whisper: "Thank you."

1 comment:

Loretta said...

Such an awe inspiring young woman as you should receive these tangible gifts from above, around and even the ground. Love your thoughts always, they make me think, smile and always ponder and appreciate all that I have.