About Me

My photo
I love expressing heart-felt and inspired words that come unseen at times, yet powerful and profound within.
Enlightenment, in between the lines.

As you will find, I truly believe in the divine power of Gratitude. And how, by that power, it can change lives.

This journey of blogging has been an adventure!
And I'm so glad you stopped by for a quick visit : )

Thursday, February 24, 2011

~ Matter ~

“Be who you are -
Because those who mind don't matter
And those who matter don't mind.”
- Dr. Seuss

I love this quote.  It makes me feel empowered as well as burdens lifted ...
with a smile of confidence on my face! 

It's really sad these days, how the world defines the way we should be. 
What we should look like.  Wear, drive, live in, eat - don't eat,
success, money, etc. etc. etc. 

In the end, soul is empty.  And you wonder to yourself:
"Who am I?  How did I get here?" 
What happened to that happy young person who was completely confident,
self assured and could conquer the world?"

I have felt the pressure of the world's eyes many times. 
But I also know that it can be toxic

But then when I step outside of myself and really look in again ...
I see that it's the outside world creating me
and I realize it's not worth it. 
There is no real value to it in my life,
if something or someone else is defining me. 

That WHO I am, is who I am.  Period. 

And hopefully this person I have become
and still am becoming,
is someone who tries everyday
to do something good in my little corner of the world.

So!  Here's celebrating who you really are today! 
Let go of the labels ... the peer pressure ... the outside world and
just be YOU. 
Beautiful you who was custom created by Loving Hands.
Let your spirit shine
for the world to see your goodness.

And always remember this one most important fact:
"Those who matter - don't mind!" 

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

~ Out of Darkness ~

anxiety - expectations - deflating of soul -
fill me up
like a brewing whirlwind spinning in
shaking me, as I shake my head
where is gratitude in
such as these?

Where, in my daily
discipline of
writing, searching, hunting, seeing
is it now - in ugly moments?
In these dark storms of life, billowing - engulfing?
Not every
fleeting second is filled with
sweet sugar on top ...
as I am
knocked down once in awhile, left in
leaving me to wonder - where is it?

But then it comes to me ...
of what is spinning around me,
even in between all of the moments that are ugly,
is still there to see - claim - write.

I dig deep.  Really deep.
The invisible
becomes visible once more ...
slowly coming into view
at first difficult to find with blood boiling within,
but in the ugly - beauty is there.


Gratitude is always silently existing in its own quiet realm ... just waiting.
For us. 
For us to choose.
To claim it.

And then I remember
words that quench my
parched soul ...

"Above the clouds
never stops shining."
-Ann Voskamp

Out of darkness
In these moments of ugly, I find it ...


Carrying me when I am knocked down.
Strength to keep enduring.
Love filled when nothing else can.
When nothing seems visible in my world
around me,
there is always Him.

Eyes unveiled -
to His
love for me - in all the thousand and one ways
already existing.
His proof of love for me - for all of humanity. 
Visible proof.

I surface - out of darkness
the Light and see.

Monday, February 21, 2011

~ Whole ~

I wonder,
how many days do I walk the earth with
eyes wide shut -
robotically, habitually, mechanically breathing
just to survive another day?

Eyes wide shut
to the
life moments that exist all around me
every second
of the day ...
infinitesimal - fleeting moments ...
all because I was
asleep -
unconscious to the gifts of
being ...

swirling - existing - breathing
in the world outside
of my sleeping soul.

It really wasn't until
I took on the challenge of keeping a
gratitude journal - years ago -
that I awoke, and beheld with


these moments.  Life.  Miracles.  Joy.

In spite of a chaotic world - mine within - and the one outside,
I discovered - every day ...
something within,
even microscopic - to be thankful for.
Be grateful.

Within a whirlwind of
the mess of life, reality, endless frustrations, obstacles, walls, disease, trials, grief of death ...
deadlines, lack of finances, overwhelming expectations, negative voices, lack of love ...

I strained to see.
I was determined to see.
I could see.
I can see.
I do see.
The beauty through the ugly,
simply by expressing


One of the simplest acts in life - expressing gratitude -
and being grateful,
bestowed within me, swellings of re-birth I never knew
Living gratitude by waking up, and truly seeing for the first time
the little seemingly insignificant
ignited my soul, heart, mind -
eyes wide open.

in a chaotic world.


in a new world - my world.

Not "wanting" for more - because I already had what     I needed ...
right there in front of me.

New eyes.

Time slows miniature ... heart expands large,
even in the
moments of my world.

It has been said that gratitude unlocks the windows of heaven.

A connection of life's daily threads.
Woven.  Interlaced. Linked to divinity.
Fabric that
heaven and earth together
in the Light of immediate recognition - eyes illuminated -
... of gifts.

It is the axe for the frozen sea inside us.

The gateway to the heavens ... to miracles ...

to Him

The Hand who is the author.
Designer.  Composer.  Formulator.

The Hand that gives
to these moments in life.

Eyes wide open.

It has been said that "WE create the world we live in." 
Wouldn't it be a magnificent world, living - breathing - being - in daily gratitude? 
Amidst and in spite of the world outside, shaking - rattling our bones.
Create your world.  A world of daily gratitude.

I am reading the most amazing book right now, titled:
"One Thousands Gifts."
I had an "ah-ha" experience the other day with something this most graceful and talented author pointed out:

When Christ cleansed the ten lepers, how many returned to give thanks?


Only one out of ten, was grateful enough to return and give thanks.
It was then that Christ said: "Arise, go thy way: thy faith hath made thee

It wasn't until he returned that he was made whole. 
I love the fact that he returned.  And of course love that he gave thanks.  So the point she makes, is that if we return and give thanks - show our gratitude - that we will be made

Not only physically ... and herein lies the "ah-ha" moment" ... but
spiritually whole.

Whole.  Simply by giving thanks.  Gratitude.

"Gratitude precedes the miracle."
-Ann Voskamp

And now, after many years - one of my daily
is recording these "moments" ...
pen to paper,
the instant something illuminates itself within my
Even the simplest of things. 
I write.
I am then blessed one-hundred fold.


Gratitude precedes the miracle.

May your life be blessed this day, by simply giving thanks.  Gratitude.  Eyes wide open to the moments all around you.  Put pen to paper and record your moments.  In spite of the world around you and within - break that barrier and write.  Even if it is as simple as "having the courage to make it through another day."  Or a smile from a stranger, a wink, a hug.  It doesn't have to be complex. 

Gratitude lives and thrives in simplicity.  Adjust your focus if needed and really see it.

"Behold His glory.  And be held by God." -Ann Voskamp

Simple + Gratitude + Write = Miracles.

Want to have your spirit and heart really touched today?  Don't leave without watching this inspiring,extraordinary video.  One that is sure to change lives and impact the world, without a doubt. 
One that EVERYONE needs to see and experience over and over again - every day. 

I am starting a project - challenge - journey - dare ... and you are all invited!
Stay tuned.  It will change your life : )

Friday, February 18, 2011

~ Enough Time ~

I wish for more time in my day,
my life ...
but then I wonder -
If I had more time, would I still want
What would I do with more time?

Would it be filled with
moments - on a life changing realm of

or more time filled with the
and frustrations of life?

I feel as if I'm running so fast,
that I really get nothing accomplished ... only
an empty soul.
Running so fast just to stand still.

What if you had
enough time
in the day?

The quote below say's it perfectly:

"Life is not an emergency.
Only amateurs hurry.
Race for more and you'll snag on time and leak empty.
Hurry always empties a soul.
We don't need more time - we just need enough time.
Time to breathe deep and time to see real
 and time to laugh long, time to give You glory,
and rest deep, sing joy.
And just enough time in a day to not feel
 hounded, pressed, driven,
or wild to get it all done - yesterday."
-Ann Voskamp


Morning dew drops that hang like a thousand diamonds
on emerald blades
don't rush.

Apple blossoms tightly cocooned
let nature slowly work the

Make enough time in your life
for the things that truly
Gratitude ushers in
enough time,
never wanting 'more.'
It slows time miniature - blessing with
enough time.
Enough time.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

~ Shrinking ~

What causes me to hold
from stepping forward into
and allowing others to really
see me
for who I am and what I was
created to be?

Why do I

the moment I question,
second guess,
that which I have felt inspired - ignited - awakened to
with the world.  My world.  My family.  Friends?
At times the feeling of guilt,
hypocrisy perhaps,
fear, embarrasment, exposure, self protection,
concern of what others think, low self esteem ...
whatever it may be that takes control, to keep me from
into what and who I truly am,
causes me once again to

retreive back into my box.

Comfortable.  Stagnant.  Lifeless.

One of my most favorite poems - ever - is quoted below.  I refer back to it now and again -
and right now as I'm feeling the binding, low self-worth of shrinking.
The words in this quote bring me back to full vision, self-worth and endless potential just waiting...screaming...bursting to progress.

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you.
We are all meant to shine, as children do.
We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.
It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone.
And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear,
our presence automatically liberates others.”

-Marianne Williamson

I know that power of which
can change hearts, mine, and those around me -
... the world.
I know it, because I've read of such power
and have been in the awe-inpsiring presence of
extraordinary people
who choose to shine and not shrink.

I also know by who's power it is
that causes
me - us - anyone to
The power that is ugly, dark, pitiful, jealous, self loathing, prideful, envious ...
settling itself right into the depths
of being.
I know this.  I have felt it many times in my life.  I also know that
that power
can be conquered and shattered into a million liberating pieces
when we choose to
instead of shrink.

Because "palms curled into protective fists fill with darkness."
-Ann Voskamp

By "chance" - I just happened to come across this yesterday, as it - again - was another ah-ha moment for me.  At the right time, moment, second in my life much needed.

"He, who is our Eternal Father has blessed you
 with miraculous powers of mind and body.
He never intended that you should be less than
the crowning glory of His creations."

-Gordon B. Hinckley

So, here's to YOU today. 

Choose to shine instead of shrinking - expand your potential and
who you were and are
to be and become.

Step out of that box today.  And with me,
shine your light
without any hesitaiton.

You never know who is waiting just for YOU,
who will be blessed beyond measure because you simply chose to
conquer the darkness
and be the crowing glory of His

Thursday, February 3, 2011

~ Stay the Course ~

The trail
that Lucky and I walk along every day - same route
has its own smoothed out direction

- if followed -

to stay clear of tiny little prickly thorns
that lay secretly camouflaged with the dirt, along the dark stained old wooden fence.
These tiny painful weapons impale deep into the
soft black pads of Lucky's paws
when he wanders
off the trail.

When we reach this habitual point on our journey, I always remind him to
"stay on the trail."

Sometimes he listens, and sometimes not.
I think to myself: "he must know and remember what happens when he wanders off."
is his enemy nine times out of ten,
as the miniature yappity hyper dogs on the other side
run at high speed along the fence to greet him with their high-pitched barking.

I remind him again ...
"stay on the trail."

When he doesn't listen and obey
he freezes in place
the moment he walks up to the fence
as the pads of his feet become covered
with those annoying, sharp, painful - difficult to remove -
leaving him unable to step any further.

He lifts up his front paws one at a time, then the back with my help ...
knowing that I can
remove them. 
It's not easy - as some become deeply burrowed. Difficult to reach. Challenging to pull out.
Sometimes my fingers get pricked in sharp pain myself, as a tiny blood drop surfaces.

they are all removed.
And Lucky
the smart dog he is once again,
stays on the trail.

Stays the course.

Life's journey
isn't always simple.
We know the path to stay the course, but
often times
become distracted.  In a hurry.  Don't listen or obey. 

Fail to remember.

When deep in the rut of
impaling us at different angles, we become paralyzed, unable to progress any further.
Yet, there is always someone there to help pull them out.

Angel friends.  Family.  Him.

Sometimes it takes longer than other times -
the Hand that gives, gathers us once again.

To safety.
The way home.

It is then up to us to
stay the course once again. 

We can simply
to remember.  Obey. Trust.

And listen and follow that Voice gently reminding us:

"Stay on the trail."

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

~ Seeds ~

I've always been fascinated with
The DNA of life within them. Their purpose.
Their custom creation - by the hand of the Master Craftsman.

They don't question - or second doubt.  They simply
where they are planted,
into what they were planned, designed and
created to be.
Roots stretch forth - a thousand tiny fingers -
into the depths of the earth
for nourishment, support and protection.


The tiniest of seeds
cast to the wind with one great big puff

floating, landing, burrowing, growing
into something
A hundred times larger than the
that gave it birth. 
Cast to the wind to spread forth its creation. Purpose. Breath.


A bud
tightly woven shut, patiently waiting for the day, yet

bursting with excitement within its very fibers to


for the world to see
its beauty.  Its purpose.  Its creation.

Its Life.

How often do we
shut ourselves to the winds of our
custom creation?
That phenomenal, magnificent DNA within all of us from
the Master Craftsman of our
our bodies, our hearts, our minds?
Hindering ourselves from that one great
that can set us free.  On our journey. Our purpose.
How often do we remain
tightly woven - entrapped within our own bud,
not wanting to risk the miracle of

Let go of fear.


He knows all.  Trust. Know. Believe.

Let us risk the miracle today.
Set free,
your own custom created
to the winds of life.
All that DNA goodness within your being ...
share it with the world!


Drop your petals of extraordinary being 

to the earth.
Scattered into a thousand pieces.

Risk the endless miracles that are yours from the
Master Craftsman
who has created you, and has kept and preserved you from
day to day
by lending you breath.

That you may live
and move
and relish in the joy of living life that you may
from simply
evolving into what you were created to be.
Planting. Growing. Flourishing.

That by your


He will know you.