About Me

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I love expressing heart-felt and inspired words that come unseen at times, yet powerful and profound within.
Enlightenment, in between the lines.

As you will find, I truly believe in the divine power of Gratitude. And how, by that power, it can change lives.

This journey of blogging has been an adventure!
And I'm so glad you stopped by for a quick visit : )

Monday, August 1, 2011

~ Traveling On The Wind ~

I hear it rustling through oak trees,
a hushing sound of the ocean
- the wind -
swaying aged branches back and forth
like a mother in her rocking chair.

I feel it circle-swirling as if a
giant ribbon wrapping itself up and
around me -
binding me to moving seasons,
vivid memories, life journey's, on wings of time...
traveling on the wind
with all of its thousand year old stories.
Traveling - who knows how many thousands of miles -
to reach and touch and whisper:
"remember, remember."

The wind is no respecter of persons -
it simply travels
with time on its wings.
Time and wind.  Partners of creation. Through birth and death.  All seasons of life.
Cycles never ending.

I look to the sky
and behold
birds of all shapes and sizes - gliding, floating, flying
on the wind
and wonder - how far have they come?

I watch the clouds - billowing on winds wings ...
re-shaping every second, continuous motion.

And then I wonder,
how far have I come - traveling on the wind?

I see it in my children - babes only yesterday -
grown over night.
The wind in their seasons of life,
has carried them through all of life journey's to this point.

Often, I yearn for those babes to be back in my arms.

The innocence of childhood with time and wind on its wings -
laying in cool emerald grass blades, eyes to the heavens
watching those clouds take shape
hours on end.

Pure laughter echoing ... innocent eyes penetrating soul deep.
Childhood innocence to the world-winds.

How have I lived my life traveling on the wind -
through all of it's seasons thus far?
Have I kept the Faith?  What wisdom's have I learned.
Have my experiences been those of value and eternal purpose?
How have I been shaped in the whirlwinds for the good?
Have I remained Hopeful - determined - steadfast
to continually endure?

I know He has taken me under His wing
many times
through the wind-seasons that have
beaten me down with storms and fierce winds.

His wing lifts me in flight through it all, again and again,
to land
on higher ground one more time.
Solid ground.  Sure foundation.  Foundation in Him.

The wind carries life-seasons
with time on its back,
I feel it.  I see it.  I hear it.

And I know if I continue to
feel, see and hear Him - I will be able to travel on the wind,
strong and resilient as I take flight against wind resistance -
in His hands.

His grace
time and time again -

"Yea, you shall not be beaten down
by the storm at the last day;
neither shall you be harrowed up by the whirlwinds;
but when the storms cometh you shall be gathered together in your place,
that the storm cannot penetrate to you;
neither shall you be driven with
fierce winds
withersoever the enemy listeth to carry you."
-Alma 26:6

"Remember, remember
that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer,
who is Christ, the Son of God,
that ye must build your foundation; that when the devil
shall send forth his mighty winds, yea, his shafts in the whirlwind,
yea, when all his hail and his might storm shall beat upon you,
it shall have no power over you to drag you down to the gulf of misery
and endless wo,
because of the rock upon which ye are built, which is a
sure foundation,
a foundation whereon if men build
they cannot fall."
-Helaman 5:12

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