About Me

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I love expressing heart-felt and inspired words that come unseen at times, yet powerful and profound within.
Enlightenment, in between the lines.

As you will find, I truly believe in the divine power of Gratitude. And how, by that power, it can change lives.

This journey of blogging has been an adventure!
And I'm so glad you stopped by for a quick visit : )

Monday, March 28, 2011

~ Fleshy Tables of the Heart ~

They can be found
sitting atop kitchen counter.
Dining room table - end tables -
and tucked, sandwiched amongst favorite books ...
pages bound in journals, filled with years of
and recognizing gratitude.
Sitting quietly - patiently waiting and reminding me daily, to
seek - like a hunter, life gifts - and record.

Gift's found in the silent in-between daily living,
quietly waiting
for the eyes of the heart and soul
to see.
Gift's of simplicity,
of deepest value,
of proof
that He exists
and is constantly giving.

These journals scattered throughout
space and time
are forever etched in soul,
written not in "tables of stone"
"fleshy tables of the Heart."
Sincere.  Meaningful.  Authentic.  Layers peeled.  Life - the mess and the joy. 

Countless pages
of daily gifts
through the thick and thin of this mortal existence.
Claiming and recording from the Heart,
never-ending gifts.
Even gifts right in the chaos and mess of life.
Sometimes more difficult to see.

These fleshy tables of the heart,
remind me to remember once again, page after page
what synapses has
Remembering once again -
as I turn pages, my words wrapped in flesh ... Him.
And His love written
pen to paper,
spirit to spirit ...
remembering to remember.

I write.

... "written not with ink,
but with the Spirit of the living God;
not in tables of stone,
but in fleshy tables of the heart."
-2 Corinthians 3:3

"I see it now for what this really is,
this dare to write down 1000 things I love.
It really is a dare to name all the ways that God loves me.
The true Love Dare." ♥
-Ann Voskamp

Thursday, March 17, 2011

~ Mothering, Nurturing & Deeper Pain ~

I listen to her gargled hollow breathing
right beside me during the night. Painful moans in surface sleep.

A 3:00 am wake up call for more pain relief is administered ...
tiny liquid sips of elixir slowly seep down
into thick flamed swollen throat.
All the body muscles tighten stone, with tears and fear in eyes - just to swallow.

She slowly lies back down
head on pillow
deep breathes through gurgling, swelling. 
Oxygen a most essential element of life, taken for granted - fills her lungs.
Expands. Heals.

I mentally count, whole-heart ...
- inhale, exhale - as I hesitantly go back to sleep.
Just keep breathing safe - I pray. 
Mothering with  all my heart, to hear my prayers.
I've heard that Mother's prayers ascend to Heaven the quickest. 

I trust.

Her constant rhythmic waves of strained breathing into swollen throat,
echo in the quiet dark hours
as I drift.

Malia's tonsillectomy was successful.  But with it comes the burning - pain and tears.
Popsicles, water & liquid med's are but paper thin relief. 

Blessings of healing administered.
Sleep is moment's escape.

It makes me wonder in awe - ponder deep -
how He took upon this pain Malia is experiencing ...
along with ALL pain, suffering, heartache, sin, broken bodies,
tears, loss, lost souls, disease - countless ...
ALL pain ... for each one of us! 
Deeper pain than we will ever  comprehend.

Because He loved us

Because through Him - we can return.
Return home

Can you ever imagine such love?

He Atoned for us through all the pain, He took upon Himself - so that
He could carry us in our hour. 
He suffered beyond belief - body, mind and spirit ...  for us.

For Us.

He loved us this much. 

And that through Him - we may return home. 
He is our Savior.  He knows our pain.
He will carry us through.

She sleeps. 

He nurtures - spirit to spirit. 
Heart to heart.


Monday, March 14, 2011

~ Please Return To Me ~

As I was opening my emails messages today,
one immediately jumped out and caught my eye
because of the title alone:

"Please Return To Me."

It was one of those many "chain emails"
of which you forward on to "10 people you know" for
good luck and then
return to the one who sent it to you.

I have been pondering the title ever since.
In my sometimes chaotic life, it is at times, a daily battle of keeping the
eternal perspective.
Frustrations, tempers, competing with the views of the world, expectations,
raising teenagers, peer pressure, finances, time speeding by ... etc. etc. etc ...
weaves a tapestry of excuses and justifications to just
give up.
Hands thrown in the air, with the question echoing right behind:
"why do I even try?"

But then it's moments - even minuscule simple moments such as these
with a title such as this
that reminds me of WHY I try. 
Armor back on, posture vertical, attitude adjusted, my stand firmly planted.

A fleeting moment of despair and quitting,
is quickly replaced as I remember
I am here.  And where I am striving to return,
not only after this life - but  now
Here and now in the moment while I am still alive and
While I am still living life, struggling at times, and enduring and conquering.
Here and now - this place - of seeing and returning to God before
my final return.

Eyes open, heart expands ... it is in the marrow, the deepest reaches of my soul, my fiber -
I remember.

As He gently beckons - even through a simple title -

"Please Return To Me."

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

~ Say it out loud ~

Another piano lesson
with a very challenging piece
tests patience and creates desperate
for any understanding.

Within that moment of frustration,
a thought
emerged and settled in my mind to have my student say the notes
out loud
while playing them at the same time.
To speak the unseen into seeing.

Code broken in an
Layers slowly peeled back revealing a genius repetitive formula
as the eyes of
illuminated with perfect vision!

And in that moment something else happened ..... to me.
I began taking a mental count of
all the things I - we - say out loud that
bestows further Light and understanding to the soul.
Skin on - real.
Layers peeled back.

Prayers offered.
Gratitude - Thanks.
Stories read.
Saying: "I Love You."
Personal mantra's.
The Pledge of Allegiance.
Favorite songs sung.
The alphabet.

All of these and so many more. Simply uttered out loud.
Eyes opened and recorded in the soul - forever.

May the words you utter and the life notes you read
- out loud -
be those that illuminate your soul and those around you today.