They can be found
sitting atop kitchen counter.
Dining room table - end tables -
and tucked, sandwiched amongst favorite books ...
pages bound in journals, filled with years of
and recognizing gratitude.
Sitting quietly - patiently waiting and reminding me daily, to
seek - like a hunter, life gifts - and record.
Gift's found in the silent in-between daily living,
quietly waiting
for the eyes of the heart and soul
to see.
Gift's of simplicity,
of deepest value,
of proof
that He exists
and is constantly giving.
These journals scattered throughout
space and time
are forever etched in soul,
written not in "tables of stone"
"fleshy tables of the Heart."
Sincere. Meaningful. Authentic. Layers peeled. Life - the mess and the joy.
Countless pages
of daily gifts
through the thick and thin of this mortal existence.
Claiming and recording from the Heart,
never-ending gifts.
Even gifts right in the chaos and mess of life.
Sometimes more difficult to see.
These fleshy tables of the heart,
remind me to remember once again, page after page
what synapses has
Remembering once again -
as I turn pages, my words wrapped in flesh ... Him.
And His love written
pen to paper,
spirit to spirit ...
remembering to remember.
I write.
... "written not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God;
not in tables of stone,
but in fleshy tables of the heart."
-2 Corinthians 3:3
"I see it now for what this really is,
this dare to write down 1000 things I love.
It really is a dare to name all the ways that God loves me.
The true Love Dare." ♥
-Ann Voskamp