About Me

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I love expressing heart-felt and inspired words that come unseen at times, yet powerful and profound within.
Enlightenment, in between the lines.

As you will find, I truly believe in the divine power of Gratitude. And how, by that power, it can change lives.

This journey of blogging has been an adventure!
And I'm so glad you stopped by for a quick visit : )

Thursday, February 24, 2011

~ Matter ~

“Be who you are -
Because those who mind don't matter
And those who matter don't mind.”
- Dr. Seuss

I love this quote.  It makes me feel empowered as well as burdens lifted ...
with a smile of confidence on my face! 

It's really sad these days, how the world defines the way we should be. 
What we should look like.  Wear, drive, live in, eat - don't eat,
success, money, etc. etc. etc. 

In the end, soul is empty.  And you wonder to yourself:
"Who am I?  How did I get here?" 
What happened to that happy young person who was completely confident,
self assured and could conquer the world?"

I have felt the pressure of the world's eyes many times. 
But I also know that it can be toxic

But then when I step outside of myself and really look in again ...
I see that it's the outside world creating me
and I realize it's not worth it. 
There is no real value to it in my life,
if something or someone else is defining me. 

That WHO I am, is who I am.  Period. 

And hopefully this person I have become
and still am becoming,
is someone who tries everyday
to do something good in my little corner of the world.

So!  Here's celebrating who you really are today! 
Let go of the labels ... the peer pressure ... the outside world and
just be YOU. 
Beautiful you who was custom created by Loving Hands.
Let your spirit shine
for the world to see your goodness.

And always remember this one most important fact:
"Those who matter - don't mind!" 


Unknown said...

LOVE this post, Dearest Cuz!! Happy Aloha Friday!! this is a simple concept, but we all to frequently forget about it...

One of my mentors taught me that when we're "the new kids on the playground," we have a common tendency to "try and be cool..."

The best way to relieve that pressure is to admit: "I AM a nerd... I've always BEEN a nerd... and I'll always BE a nerd... so, what the heck? may as well go for it anyway..." -- Buddha approves this message :)

Love ya tons, Cuz - BH on this Aloha Friday!

Welcome Friends said...

HA!!! Love the Buddha philosophy!!

And yes - its so true what you said about trying to be "cool." The trick is being comfy in your own skin ... and then going out into the world in it, with a big smile on your face - KNOWING that you're magnificant and already "cool" on your OWN terms - yes??!!

Love U 2! Happy AF!!