About Me

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I love expressing heart-felt and inspired words that come unseen at times, yet powerful and profound within.
Enlightenment, in between the lines.

As you will find, I truly believe in the divine power of Gratitude. And how, by that power, it can change lives.

This journey of blogging has been an adventure!
And I'm so glad you stopped by for a quick visit : )

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

~ Seeds ~

I've always been fascinated with
The DNA of life within them. Their purpose.
Their custom creation - by the hand of the Master Craftsman.

They don't question - or second doubt.  They simply
where they are planted,
into what they were planned, designed and
created to be.
Roots stretch forth - a thousand tiny fingers -
into the depths of the earth
for nourishment, support and protection.


The tiniest of seeds
cast to the wind with one great big puff

floating, landing, burrowing, growing
into something
A hundred times larger than the
that gave it birth. 
Cast to the wind to spread forth its creation. Purpose. Breath.


A bud
tightly woven shut, patiently waiting for the day, yet

bursting with excitement within its very fibers to


for the world to see
its beauty.  Its purpose.  Its creation.

Its Life.

How often do we
shut ourselves to the winds of our
custom creation?
That phenomenal, magnificent DNA within all of us from
the Master Craftsman of our
our bodies, our hearts, our minds?
Hindering ourselves from that one great
that can set us free.  On our journey. Our purpose.
How often do we remain
tightly woven - entrapped within our own bud,
not wanting to risk the miracle of

Let go of fear.


He knows all.  Trust. Know. Believe.

Let us risk the miracle today.
Set free,
your own custom created
to the winds of life.
All that DNA goodness within your being ...
share it with the world!


Drop your petals of extraordinary being 

to the earth.
Scattered into a thousand pieces.

Risk the endless miracles that are yours from the
Master Craftsman
who has created you, and has kept and preserved you from
day to day
by lending you breath.

That you may live
and move
and relish in the joy of living life that you may
from simply
evolving into what you were created to be.
Planting. Growing. Flourishing.

That by your


He will know you.

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