how little things
speak louder, more powerful than
bigger things visible.
How the smallest phrase or
can pierce heart-soul right through
as if God Himself spoke it - standing right next to you.
How, through life challenges - struggles - chaos - and trials,
in this spinning world,
a message finds you unexpectedly - and stops you awe-still ...
interweaving through fiber being and
finding heart,
it whisper speaks ... penetrating:
I read it again ...
I ponder this message just for me, in this moment of my life -
within my mind, what it really means. Not just surface - but forever deep.
Aren't there times in life, where our vision needs to be cleared? That when we are in the depths of
how easy it is to see the stuff, and not what is truly important?
Turn is an action. I see now what I have not been doing lately. Not turning daily.
Turning to Him.
And I know when I do turn - my vision becomes clear, and my eyes see.
See what is most important right before me every second of the day.
See Him.
Even amidst all the stuff.
"Set your affection on things above,
not on things on the earth."
-Colassians 3:2
Oceanside Beach Pier binocular lookout
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