About Me

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I love expressing heart-felt and inspired words that come unseen at times, yet powerful and profound within.
Enlightenment, in between the lines.

As you will find, I truly believe in the divine power of Gratitude. And how, by that power, it can change lives.

This journey of blogging has been an adventure!
And I'm so glad you stopped by for a quick visit : )

Sunday, October 14, 2012

~ How to make it through the rain ~

-Life lessons through nature-
Same location, within moments of each other...transformation
with patience, endurance, and gratitude through it all.
It's what we do when it rains - how we react, our attitude, that determins our character
That will help us arrive with arms wide open with joy
drenched in gold
at sunrise.
How do you make it through the rain?