“If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is ‘thank you’,
it will be enough.”
it will be enough.”
- Meister Eckhart
Expressing Gratitude
fills the soul faster than anything else can.
I know that when I am consciously aware of everything I have and give thanks for the most simple things . . . that it instantly expands my heart and soul with all the abuandance that is clearly already around me every day.
I remember years back when I began my first Gratitude Journal, that I became so thankful for the smallest things. My toothbrush - toothpaste - toilet paper! - the clothes on my back - food in my fridge - the comfort of a good inspiring movie, book or quote - a hug, smile, laughter - the beauty of nature - the curiosity of a child . . . endless.
Since then, I have listed something everyday that I am Grateful for. Sometimes it's just one thing, other times it's many. And I discovered by doing so - that JOY has become a constant companion - and - I was/am very seldom in "want" of things anymore, because . . .
I already have everything I "need" right before me every day.
It's truly amazing.
Here's a challenge for today!! : )
How about we give thanks for everything today. Verbally, quietly . . . and not "ask" for anything. Just give thanks and be Grateful for all that is before us. No matter our circumstance - there is ALWAYS something to be Grateful for. Sometimes, you just have to open your eye's a little bit more to see it.
Then tonight list at least 5 things you were Grateful for that happened in your life today.
p.s.... This says it better than I ever could.